We are pleased to announce that, thanks to generous funding provided by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, we are able to offer prestigious, national level awards.
Nominations are being accepted for the following categories:
Outstanding Adult Learner of the Year
$10,000 stipend
Outstanding Teacher of the Year
$10,000 stipend
Outstanding Administrator of the Year
$10,000 stipend
Outstanding Local Excellence in Advocacy
$2,000 stipend
Outstanding State Innovation of the Year
$2,000 stipend
Advancing Workforce Development for Adult Learners
$2,000 stipend
Scholarship Grant
$2,000 stipend
Incentive Grant
up to $2,500 stipend
The winner will receive an expense-paid trip to the 2021 COABE conference, and the successful nominator’s registration will be paid in full!
Click here for more details, and to submit a nomination. The deadline is December 21, 2020! Contact [email protected] with any questions
We gratefully acknowledge our generous awards sponsor, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation