Sharon Bonney leads the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) as the Chief Executive Officer of the largest adult education association in the world. Celebrating her 25th year in the field of adult education, her accomplishments include implementing strategic and innovative strategies that led to exponential organizational growth from 1,300 members in 2009 to more than 50,000 active members in 2024. She was the guiding force behind designing and implementing a state-of-the-art national conference model that delivers nearly 500 concurrent sessions and brings together thousands of educators, business leaders, and learners annually as well as developing new state, national, and workforce partnerships with more than 100 organizations, refocusing the organization’s research agenda, and designing all new membership offerings, including webinars that have engaged more than 50,000 participants. Read Full Bio >
Erin has been involved with COABE as a SAAEF fellow and co-host of our Advocast Podcast since 2021. She also serves as our SAAEF co-chair as well as having served as our Students as Leaders Coordinator. Now, as our Initiatives Administrator, Erin plays a pivotal role in advancing our organization’s strategic priorities and community awareness. She leads projects with organization-wide impact, requiring community engagement and alignment with strategic planning efforts. Given her work ethic and amazing success with other projects she has run for COABE, we are excited to see what more our organization can accomplish with Erin at the helm of our many initiatives.
In addition to her work in the classroom, Heather has also earned a certification for ABE/ASE Language Arts Specialist and a Certificate in Effective College Instruction through ACUE. She has also had the honor of receiving Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member from Waubonsee Community College in 2022.