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@COABEHQ takes on Congress: Increase Adult Ed Funding! #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
Funding for adult ed is more critical than ever! Congress must increase WIOA Title II funding @COABEHQ #COABEontheHill2024 #AEFL2024
Thank you [insert handle here] for supporting adult educators and adult students! @COABEHQ #COABEontheHill2024 #Literacy #Workforce #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
Enjoyed meeting with @MemberofCongress to talk about the needs of adult education in [district/state] @COABEHQ #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEd2024 #AEFL2024
Excited to participate in @COABEHQ #AdultEdLiteracyWeek Virtual Hill Meetings! Congress must increase adult ed funding! #COABEontheHill2024# AEFL2024
Over [x] advocates are virtually on Capitol Hill today advocating for adult education! Congress, we are calling on you to increase WIOA Title II funding for our adult students and educators! #AEFL2024
We need funding for #PPE so we can safely reopen our #adultedu programs! #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
28 million adults lack basic digital skills and yet most are using computers every day. We need funding for #wifi and #devices for adult learners that want to #reskill and #upskill for the #workforce. #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
Adult Education promotes #racialaccessibility as 74% of our #adultlearners are people of color. Adult Education provides a hand up and out of #poverty and into #family sustaining wages. #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
Our #adulteducation programs work with #employers and Title II partners to provide #workforce readiness skills to help #adultlearners access good jobs! #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
79,000 educators in 2,000+ local programs work with 1.5million #adultlearners nationwide providing #numeracy, #literacy, #digitalliteracy, #workforcereadiness, and high school diplomas! #fundus #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
73% of learners entering our federally funded #adulteducation programs with the goal of getting their diploma received their diplomas and met their goals! #ROI #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
In five years, nearly 80 percent of all job openings will require more than a high school degree. Adult education provides a significant opportunity to bridge the workforce supply-and-demand gap. #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
Adult ed #HSE graduates typically earn close to $10,000 more per year once they get their diplomas! #ROI #accessibility #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
For every 400,000 adults who earn a high school diploma, the economy gains $2.5 billion back in tax revenue and reduced expenses. That’s $6,250 per person! The estimated value to our economy in reduced costs for public support programs for low skilled, low literate adults is $200 billion annually. #economiccatalyst #ROI #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024
Low-skilled adults are 2x more likely to be unemployed; 3x more likely to be in poverty; 4x more likely to be in poor health; and 8x more likely to be incarcerated. Educating adults helps families break out of intergenerational poverty and creates stronger communities. #ROI #COABEontheHill2024 #AdultEdLiteracyWeek #AEFL2024