Indiana adult education positively impacts employers through the Workforce Employment Initiative (WEI). Through WEI partnerships, adult education providers leverage multiple WIOA services to support adult learners in the workplace. Each partnership customizes learning around employer needs to increase worker retention and opportunities for advancement. Examples of partnerships include English language classes, Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs, and HSE preparation and testing all offered at the job site. Last year, Indiana had 180 employer partners.
Washington Township Adult Education provides on-site English language classes to Heartland Food Products Group employees. Staff members start employment at all language levels and the lack of English proficiency is often a barrier for employment advancement or retention. Marie Forestal, a Heartland employee, struggled with understanding company policy and training materials due to a lack of English proficiency. “Marie could not pass any of her testing when we hired her in . . . ,” said Bridget Raggio, training specialist at Heartland, but she was impressed by Marie’s progress in class. “We didn’t think she would make it here,” she said, “but after enrolling and attending ELL class, we have seen tremendous improvement.” After several months of classes, Marie passed the required training modules and retained employment.
Indiana adult education provider Area 30 Career Center partners with multiple employers in the Greencastle community to provide career training and HSE preparation classes. Crown Equipment employee Dustin Strube was on part-time status due to his lack of a high school credential. Strube passed all sections of the HSE exam after several months and was recognized by Crown Equipment for this achievement. He was immediately moved to full-time status and experienced a pay bump of nearly $10 an hour. Crown Equipment also partners with Area 30 for CNC and welding training.
Learn More About This ModelWashington State’s Community and Technical Colleges pioneered the Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) team-teaching model, which is now replicated across the country and has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as one of the most significant national innovations. I-BEST equips adult learners, including those without a high school diploma, with the skills and certifications needed to move ahead in college and get into high-demand, living wage occupations. Washington’s I-BEST programs offer a wide range of pathways for students, including healthcare, aeronautics, advanced manufacturing, and IT.
Washington’s Community and Technical Colleges offer adults who need a high school diploma a customized education plan to acquire their diploma through the High School+ program. In this program, students can demonstrate their knowledge and receive high school credits in several ways, including a traditional placement test, high school and college transcripts, or a written portfolio. Students then complete any remaining credits by taking applicable adult basic education courses and/or college classes to receive a Washington State high school diploma from the community or technical college.
Learn More About This ModelPima Community College’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (IBEST) model helps adult learners who lack a high school diploma and those in need of foundational/basic skills development to access and succeed in Career and Technical Training (CTE) pathways that lead to family sustaining wages and further educational opportunities. IBEST learners typically include some who are working toward passing the GED test to achieve their High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma, some who are there to strengthen their English skills, and others who may have graduated from high school but who need some additional support to ensure success in the postsecondary CTE program.
On average,
75% of IBEST students complete the level 1 postsecondary certificate within the program year.
80% of completers who were HSE-seekers passed the GED test during the certificate program.
80% of completers gained employment in the first year after completion of the certification program.