IES wants to connect with researchers conducting work with adult learners

Survey from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

The U.S. Department of Education’s nonpartisan Institute of Education Sciences (IES) funds research relevant to improve outcomes for adults with low basic skills (e.g., reading, writing, math, English proficiency) who may be in or entering postsecondary or adult education . IES wants to connect with researchers conducting work with adult learners to share information about resources (e.g., IES datasets) and opportunities (e.g., funding, training). If you are a researcher interested in connecting with IES, please fill in this short form: by February 14, 2020 . IES will not share your information and will use it to provide additional information via email. If you are not a researcher but you are interested in learning more about IES’s work, contact Dr. Meredith Larson ( [email protected] ).