Submit an Article


Submit an Article

The COABE Journal is a theme-oriented and practitioner-focused journal that is published semi-annually. The COABE Journal seeks contributions from adult education professionals to share best practices, research, innovations, reflections, and reviews for the Fall 2024 edition, produced in partnership with The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) on the theme of Family Literacy.

As outlined in federal law, family literacy is described as a continuum of services that address the multigenerational nature of literacy. Family literacy programs integrate interactive literacy activities between parents and children, parenting activities, age-appropriate education for children, and adult education based on adults’ learning goals. The integration of these services centers on supporting the goals of adults as both learners and caregivers, developing children’s learning needs, and fostering positive learning interactions between caregivers and children. Family Literacy provides powerful tools to support families as they develop the skills needed to make positive changes in their lives and community. COABE is a national champion and advocate for adult education programs to support the success of individuals, their families, communities, and workplaces. The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) has been a leader in Family Literacy programming and practice for over 35 years and has developed strategies, models, and resources designed for families and practitioners to create a multigenerational impact.

COABE and NCFL are collaborating on the “Family Literacy” edition of the COABE Journal to support the further development of adults as both learners and caregivers. This edition seeks article submissions focusing on Family Literacy programs, effective practices, innovations, partnerships, and research that have positively impacted adults and families and the programs that serve them. Submissions presenting effective practices, replicable models, and instructional and programmatic techniques are of particular interest and encouraged.

Articles for consideration should focus on topics such as those listed below, follow the criteria for the type of article noted in the COABE Journal submission guidelines, and be formatted according to the style of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Check here for general paper formatting, grammar, citation, and reference guidelines. Please review and apply the principles outlined in the COABE Journal Style Guide before submitting your article.

Articles are not currently being accepted.

The COABE Journal Publishing Process

Submission Guidelines

Instructional Practices and Learner Engagement/Program Development and Innovations (Double-Anonymous Peer Review) submissions should focus on best innovative practices for engaging learners in instructional settings and/or programs with unique characteristics or innovative characteristics that yield exceptional adult learner outcomes. These articles should provide evidence of effectiveness and positive impact on adult learners so that administrators and practitioners can replicate such innovations in their practice. Authorship is limited to those who have made substantive contributions to the manuscript and should be capped at five. Submissions should range between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

Original Research and Theory to Practice (Double-Anonymous Peer Review) submissions include original quantitative and qualitative research and/or the effective integration of educational theory to practice. These pieces aim to inspire others to apply these findings and/or practices to their adult education settings or contexts. Authorship is limited to those who have made substantive contributions to the manuscript and should be capped at five. Submissions should range between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Innovative/Effective Material Integration (Double-Anonymous Peer Review) submissions should focus on innovative or cutting-edge practices that integrate print, electronic, software, or other technologies that demonstrate effective student understanding and outcomes. Manuscripts should present concise overviews of the technologies/materials, including relevant publications, URLs, or other information for accessing the resource. Readers should be able to effectively integrate these materials into their adult education settings, expecting similar learner impact and outcomes. Authorship is limited to those who have made substantive contributions to the manuscript and should be capped at three. Submissions should range between 1,500 and 2,500 words.

Reflection Essays (Editorial Review) include thoughtful discussions on issues (societal, policy, political, theoretical, etc.) and their impact on adult education administrators, practitioners, learners, or other stakeholders. These pieces may be written in first-person narrative form to provoke thoughtful reflection in the reader. Authorship is limited to two. Submissions should range between 1,000 and 1,200 words.

Review Essays (Editorial Review) should discuss recently published books, instructional materials, or online instructional resources (websites, YouTube, TED Talks, etc.) that adult education administrators, practitioners, learners, or other stakeholders might find useful in their practice. These materials may include commercially available resources; however, such reviews should focus on the utility of the materials in adult education settings and should not be submitted by the resources’ author, an employee, or an affiliate of the project or publisher. Authorship is limited to two. Submissions should range between 800 and 1,200 words.

If you wish to submit a reflection piece, please contact before you begin writing. This is an important step in the process.


Each submission should be written in APA 7th edition style format and also include

  • A 200-word abstract giving an overview of what the article will cover.
  • A minimum of five keywords that researchers can use to find the article in the future.
  • A 50-100 word bio of each author, written in the third person.