Center of Excellence


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In July 2021, the United States Department of Labor launched four Registered Apprenticeship Program Technical Assistance Centers of Excellence to support Registered Apprenticeship Program expansion and modernization and provide Technical Assistance on a national level. COABE will serve as a dissemination partner for the Center for Strategic Partnerships and System Alignment for the Center of Excellence for Apprenticeships.


Mission: To more rapidly and effectively align Registered Apprenticeship Program with our nation’s workforce and educational systems and accelerate Registered Apprenticeship Program adoption by industry.

Focus: The Center has four primary areas of focus:

  • Developing sustainable partnerships for workforce, education, and employer alignment
  • Providing Technical Assistance on a national scope
  • Engaging key stakeholders
  • Coordinating with federal and state investments

Approach: The Center will identify and disseminate proven local innovation in strategic partnerships and system alignment to accelerate Registered Apprenticeship Program adoption and scale nationally. Our work will initially focus on California, Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, and Texas, and will expand to a minimum of five additional states over the course of four years.

Technical assistance products and services will be developed by the team and disseminated by COABE to the field of adult education.

Additional National Partners:

  • Safal Partners
  • National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP)
  • Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA)
  • National Disability Institute (NDl)


America’s labor market is undergoing seismic change. Multiple forces including the pace of technology growth, demographic shifts, impacts of COVID-19, and talent gaps in critical fields and occupations are forcing employers to re-evaluate their workforce development. Forward-thinking organizations are turning to apprenticeship as a key component of their strategy to recruit, train, and retain workers to maintain competitive advantage.

Large-scale modernization of Registered Apprenticeship Program to align with industry demands and rapid scaling nationwide relies on better integration with our nation’s workforce and education systems. To achieve that goal the Center’s Technical Assistance production and dissemination will aim to:

  • facilitate partnership building and connectivity across workforce systems.
  • support new Registered Apprenticeship Program development.
  • create talent pipelines including pre-apprenticeship models and career pathways.
  • accelerate integrated service delivery.
  • inform new policy recommendations and development at the federal and state level.