Presenter Resources
Presenter Office Hours

Join Michelle Chiles-Fourcoy, COABE Chief of Staff and Sarah Goldammer, COABE Presenter Coach, to ask questions as you prepare for your COABE presentation.

COABE Presenter Office Hours Notes

 Get Ready to Deliver Powerful Presentations!

Join AALPD, Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers, in collaboration with COABE, as they share top tips for powerful presentations. Their experiences, both as seasoned presenters as well as participants, lay the foundation for this session. Topics include engaging your audience, both virtual and in person, room management, time management, and quality handouts. Get ready for COABE with the help of your AALPD!

March 8th at 3:00 pm eastern, Watch the replay

Powerful Presentations Notes

Powerful Presentations Planning Handout

Presenters: Olga M. Escamilla, PhD., Carmine Stewart, PhD., and Sarah Goldammer, M.S.


Tips for Hybrid (In-person and Virtual) Presenters

COABE Planning for Hybrid (Virtual & In-Person Combined) Presenters – 2023 Handout


*Please note COABE strongly recommends each presenter have a support person to assist them as they present. This will ensure a seamless presentation as you navigate virtual or hybrid presenting. If you don’t have a co-presenter to fill this role, please consider asking a colleague to fill this role.

COABE Conference Speaker Training – Features of the Conference App

Check out Information about the new conference app, Whova, and features for presenters.

Tips for Presenting Virtually – COABE webinar for presenters

Tips for Presenting Virtually – COABE 2023 Handout

Watch as COABE Presenter Coach, Sarah Goldammer, and long-time COABE presenter, Melinda Holt, share the top ten tips for effective virtual presentations and share some free resources to help you rock your virtual COABE session!

Watch the Replay


Call for proposals ended on October 15th, 2022. Accepted presentations are listed in our program.



Your proposal will be reviewed by a Strand Partner. Please see the Conference Strands here for a description of each Strand and the intended audience. Consider your primary topic and audience, then select a Strand for your session. [Note that reviewers may consider your session for another strand than the one you select].

  • Concurrent Session: 75 minutes. Offered Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Room setup In-Person: Theater; Virtual: Webinar
  • Preconference Half Day Session: 3 hours. Offered Sunday only. Room setup In-Person: Rounds; Virtual: Meeting
  • Preconference Full Day Session: 6 hours. Offered Sunday only. Room setup In-Person: Rounds; Virtual: Meeting
  • Screens in all rooms
  • Wi-Fi connection
  • Projectors
  • Lavalier Microphones
  • Podium with Microphone
  • Chart Paper (must request by 1/31/23)
  • Please bring your own computer and any special adapters or plugs (HDMI adapter, RGB adapters, correct Apple MAC VGA adapters, or external speakers). Our projectors connect using the following: HDMI, VGA-In, VGA-out, Composite Video, USB power out, Audio-In, Audio-Out and RS-232C, your presentations are visible from any source device.
  • Furnishing handouts in the quantity needed for sessions (prepare at least 45 handouts)
  • First time COABE presenters must complete your “Present with Purpose” credential by 1/31/2023 to receive placement in the conference program.

Steps on how to earn your Present with Purpose credential

– Present With Purpose FAQs

– Learn more about the Present with Purpose Relaunch and watch the webinar replay with Presenter Coach, Sarah Goldammer.

  • Register for the conference by 1/31/2023
  • Review your presentation’s information and scheduled date and time

– All changes must be submitted by 01/31/2023

  • Training will be offered on presenting both virtually and in-person

– Practice sessions will be made available prior to the conference

  • All sessions will be 75 minutes in length

Virtual Sessions:

  • Will be presented using the Zoom platform with tech support available for virtual presenters.
  • Virtual sessions will be set up as webinars by default for ease of use unless a special request is made for a meeting format.
  • Virtual Sessions will be recorded for playback.
  • Available virtual presenting tools will be chat, Q&A, white board, annotation, interactive polling, and tech support.
  • Pre-conferences will be set up virtually for the meeting format for virtual with the ability to have breakout rooms and will not be recorded unless otherwise specified.

In-person Sessions:

  • Available presenting tools will be screens, internet connections, projector, mic, presentation remote, and chart paper. Must request chart paper by 1/31/23.
  • Masks will not be required to be worn when presenting, but we will ask that you maintain a safe social distance for your attendees during this time.
  • Pre-conferences will be set up with round tables.
  1. The COABE Presenter Handbook is full of helpful tips for planning and delivering your presentation virtually. It’s a great starting place for both new and experienced presenters.
  2. Presenting Virtually – Webinar vs Meeting format.
  3. In-Person and Virtual Presenting Tips Tip Sheet
  4. Screen Sharing Guide (for Zoom) – Recommendations and troubleshooting for sharing your screen, projecting presentation slides, and navigating Zoom while presenting.
  5. Guidelines for finding images – Are you certain the images in your PowerPoint are not subject to copyright? These guidelines will help you determine which images are usable and where you can find them.
  6. Atlanta Marriott Marquis meeting space floor plans, capacity chart, and set up styles can be found here.

COABE has created eye popping graphics that you can send out via social media and use for presentation backgrounds here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected].


Welcome Sarah Goldammer, COABE’s Presenter Coach! This new position was created to ensure COABE presenters are equipped to present in the virtual, in-person, and hybrid environments. Questions can be directed to [email protected].

On January 18, 2022, at 2:00 pm ET, Sarah led a webinar to learn more about the Present with Purpose Relaunch. Watch the replay and download the handout for a quick overview!

Sarah Goldammer is a passionate lifelong learner and educator. There is nothing more exciting to her than the “aha” moment and supporting others to find theirs! She currently serves as the director of the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, part of the Illinois Community College Board Professional Development Network. She has a B.S in special education and a M.S. in higher education. Sarah is a certified trainer of Universal Design for Learning and the Special Learning Needs Institute. She has trained hundreds of individuals throughout her years in adult education.

Sarah recently co-created the Illinois training, “Designing for Accessibility and Access for ALL Learners.” She spearheaded the creation of the statewide contextualized curricula in the following career clusters: health sciences, manufacturing, TDL, IT, and career pathways. She served as part of the professional development team for the Accelerating Opportunity Initiative, the development of a Bridge Development Basics Training, and implementation of Integrated Education and Training (IET) models. She has presented at numerous national and state conferences both in-person and virtual. Sarah has been involved in adult education for the past 21 years and has been teaching and training for over 30 years. She is proud to have had students from 3 to 83 years old and every age in between.

Combining her love for creativity, her desire to inspire, and her knowledge of the importance for career exploration, Sarah’s later-in-life career journey is that of author. She has written and published a series of 16-chapter books introducing careers combining fun and adventure while exploring each of the career clusters. These books are designed to inspire, educate, and entertain both children and adults…and to hopefully provide an “aha” moment.

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