
We are excited to announce the winners of a funding opportunity that is being provided to 25 COABE local programs that will launch a construction education training initiative. With a goal of creating sustainable pathways to one of the most in-demand industries in the country, NCCER (with funding provided by Lowes) is awarding a start-up bundle valued at $20,000.

Each new construction program will offer NCCER’s Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills, OSHA-10, and provide an introduction to carpentry, plumbing, HVACR, or electrical craft training. The start-up bundle will include materials for 15 learners and one instructor.

  • Program accreditation
  • Program Director training for one individual (includes training on systems, office hours, and ongoing support)
  • Instructor certification for one individual (includes training on systems, office hours, and ongoing support)
  • NCCER Testing subscriptions
  • Textbooks or NCCERConnect (online e-learning)
  • OSHA-10 training and certification
  • NCCER Core Toolbox
  • Grant of $2,500 cash to be used for project materials and graduation gifts for learners

Congratulations to the 25 local programs that will participate in this exciting pilot program!

CRL Resources, LLC, Alabama
Five Keys Schools and Programs, California
Charles A. Jones Adult Education Center, California
Oakland Adult & Career Education, California
EASTCONN, Connecticut
The School District of Palm Beach County, Department of Adult and Community Education, Florida
Area 30 Adult Education Program, Indiana
Plymouth Comm. School Corp., Indiana
Empower 225, Louisiana
RSU 16 Adult Education, Maine
East Central College AEL, Missouri
Montana Adult Education / FVCC Adult Education, Montana
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, North Carolina
Keene Community Education, New Hampshire
Northern New Mexico College, New Mexico
Northern Nevada Literacy Council , Nevada
Las Vegas Clark County Library District, Nevada
Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, New York
The Academy for Urban Scholars, Ohio
Lifelong Learning , South Carolina
Northeast State Community College, Tennessee
Digital Workforce Academy, Inc, Texas
Howard College Adult Education and Literacy, Texas
Irving.Net / Irving ISD Adult Education, Texas
Northeast Kingdom Learning Services, Inc., Vermont

There is a Gap in the market and the employers need for workers

Adult Education solves this problem and serves as a talent pipeline for employers.

NCCER is the leading credentialing organization in the trades and is partnering with COABE to roll out their curriculum and services.

NCCER products are easy to use, affordable, and align with GED/HSE.
They are that step toward an industry approved Integrated Education Training.

Contact [email protected] today for more details.