We Need Your Help To Support Adult Education!

While portions of the federal government may have just reopened, preparation for the FY 2020 funding cycle are already well underway.

As we mentioned in our last note, we need your help to send a “program letter” request to each member of the House of Representatives in which your adult education programs are located and to both of your Senators.

YOUR ASSISTANCE IS CRITICAL…as each year, program letters are sent by each member of Congress to the appropriations committee, and these letters highlight the federal programs that are a priority for funding to the member of Congress.

WE NEED YOUR HELP to encourage your members of Congress to make adult education one of their priorities for funding, and you can do so with only three clicks by using our “quick fire” Ignite software to send an email to all your legislators in the House and Senate.

You will find a draft letter of support on Ignite. Please tailor this letter by including relevant data and/or information on how your program is making an impact in your state.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW…as the deadline in many Congressional offices for such input from constituents is creeping up fast – some offices begin closing constituent input as early as February 1st.